Product Code: ETC015736 | Publication Date: Jun 2023 | Updated Date: May 2024 | Product Type: Report | |
Publisher: 6Wresearch | No. of Pages: 70 | No. of Figures: 35 | No. of Tables: 5 | |
Ghana Honey market currently, in 2023, has witnessed an HHI of 1455, Which has decreased slightly as compared to the HHI of 1759 in 2017. The market is moving towards highly competitive. Herfindahl index measures the competitiveness of exporting countries. The range lies from 0 to 10000, where a lower index number represents a larger number of players or exporting countries in the market while a large index number means fewer numbers of players or countries exporting in the market.
The Ghana honey market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 8.2% during the forecast period (2020-2026). The increasing prevalence of health awareness among consumers has led to an increase in demand for natural ingredients such as honey, which is driving growth for the Ghanaian honey market. Additionally, rising incomes and changing lifestyles have resulted in increased demand from food processors and bakeries for processed bee products. This factor will further contribute to positive developments in the country?s honey industry over the next few years. Furthermore, initiatives taken by government organizations are likely to create numerous opportunities for local farmers across different regions of Ghana, thereby stimulating production and consumption levels significantly in coming years.
1 Executive Summary |
2 Introduction |
2.1 Key Highlights of the Report |
2.2 Report Description |
2.3 Market Scope & Segmentation |
2.4 Research Methodology |
2.5 Assumptions |
3 Ghana Honey Market Overview |
3.1 Ghana Country Macro Economic Indicators |
3.2 Ghana Honey Market Revenues & Volume, 2019 & 2026F |
3.3 Ghana Honey Market - Industry Life Cycle |
3.4 Ghana Honey Market - Porter's Five Forces |
3.5 Ghana Honey Market Revenues & Volume Share, By Type, 2019 & 2026F |
3.6 Ghana Honey Market Revenues & Volume Share, By Applications, 2019 & 2026F |
3.7 Ghana Honey Market Revenues & Volume Share, By Packaging, 2019 & 2026F |
4 Ghana Honey Market Dynamics |
4.1 Impact Analysis |
4.2 Market Drivers |
4.3 Market Restraints |
5 Ghana Honey Market Trends |
6 Ghana Honey Market, By Types |
6.1 Ghana Honey Market, By Type |
6.1.1 Overview and Analysis |
6.1.2 Ghana Honey Market Revenues & Volume, By Type, 2016 - 2026F |
6.1.3 Ghana Honey Market Revenues & Volume, By Alfalfa Honey, 2016 - 2026F |
6.1.4 Ghana Honey Market Revenues & Volume, By Wildflower Honey, 2016 - 2026F |
6.1.5 Ghana Honey Market Revenues & Volume, By Buckwheat Honey, 2016 - 2026F |
6.1.6 Ghana Honey Market Revenues & Volume, By Acacia Honey, 2016 - 2026F |
6.1.7 Ghana Honey Market Revenues & Volume, By Clover Honey, 2016 - 2026F |
6.1.8 Ghana Honey Market Revenues & Volume, By Others, 2016 - 2026F |
6.2 Ghana Honey Market, By Applications |
6.2.1 Overview and Analysis |
6.2.2 Ghana Honey Market Revenues & Volume, By Food and Beverage, 2016 - 2026F |
6.2.3 Ghana Honey Market Revenues & Volume, By Personal Care Products, 2016 - 2026F |
6.2.4 Ghana Honey Market Revenues & Volume, By Pharmaceuticals, 2016 - 2026F |
6.2.5 Ghana Honey Market Revenues & Volume, By Others, 2016 - 2026F |
6.3 Ghana Honey Market, By Packaging |
6.3.1 Overview and Analysis |
6.3.2 Ghana Honey Market Revenues & Volume, By Bottle, 2016 - 2026F |
6.3.3 Ghana Honey Market Revenues & Volume, By Jar, 2016 - 2026F |
6.3.4 Ghana Honey Market Revenues & Volume, By Tube, 2016 - 2026F |
6.3.5 Ghana Honey Market Revenues & Volume, By Tub, 2016 - 2026F |
6.3.6 Ghana Honey Market Revenues & Volume, By Others, 2016 - 2026F |
7 Ghana Honey Market Import-Export Trade Statistics |
7.1 Ghana Honey Market Export to Major Countries |
7.2 Ghana Honey Market Imports from Major Countries |
8 Ghana Honey Market Key Performance Indicators |
9 Ghana Honey Market - Opportunity Assessment |
9.1 Ghana Honey Market Opportunity Assessment, By Type, 2019 & 2026F |
9.2 Ghana Honey Market Opportunity Assessment, By Applications, 2019 & 2026F |
9.3 Ghana Honey Market Opportunity Assessment, By Packaging, 2019 & 2026F |
10 Ghana Honey Market - Competitive Landscape |
10.1 Ghana Honey Market Revenue Share, By Companies, 2019 |
10.2 Ghana Honey Market Competitive Benchmarking, By Operating and Technical Parameters |
11 Company Profiles |
12 Recommendations |
13 Disclaimer |