Product Code: ETC016004 | Publication Date: Jun 2023 | Updated Date: Jan 2024 | Product Type: Report | |
Publisher: 6Wresearch | No. of Pages: 70 | No. of Figures: 35 | No. of Tables: 5 | |
The India Leather Market was valued at USD 6.8 Billion in 2020 and is projected to reach USD 10.3 Billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 7.6% during the forecast period 2021-2026. The leather industry is one of India?s oldest industries with a long heritage dating back centuries, and it plays an important role in contributing to the country?s economy both through exports and employment generation. It has been estimated that this sector employs 2.5 million people directly or indirectly across various segments such as manufacturing, tanning, retailing etc., making it one of the largest employers in India after agriculture
1) Increasing Demand for Leather Goods: Rising disposable income levels among consumers coupled with changing fashion trends have propelled demand for leather-based goods globally including from countries like China; this is expected to drive growth of the market over the next few years. In addition, there are numerous initiatives taken by local as well as regional government authorities encouraging production & sales of leather goods which will further fuel growth prospects for this market in near future
2) Growing Footwear Industry: The footwear industry has seen tremendous growth over past decade due to increased consumer spending on shoes across various regions worldwide; this trend is likely continue driving demand for high quality & fashionable footwear made out from upholster materials such as luxurious suede or calfskin leathers ? thus providing boost overall market size going forward
1) High Prices of Raw Materials: The prices associated with raw materials used in production process can be quite expensive which ultimately affects profitability margins resulting reduced revenue opportunities companies operating within space ? creating challenge them
2) Lack Skilled Labor Force : Although there are plenty available labor force working within sector but majority unskilled workers who lack necessary training required perform certain tasks effectively - leading degraded products lack sufficient quality standards set forth regulatory bodies . This could hamper efforts expand current customer base while also limiting potential increase revenues generated .
1 ) Growing Interest Environment Friendly Products : Consumers increasingly aware environmental problems related use natural resources manufacture commodities (including animal hide ) , they looking eco-friendly alternatives instead traditional methods sustain their lifestyles without harming planet - thereby boosting popularity ?green? leather products amongst customers.
2 ) Increase Usage Exotic Hides Luxurious Items : There been witnessed shift towards usage exotic hides
1 Executive Summary |
2 Introduction |
2.1 Key Highlights of the Report |
2.2 Report Description |
2.3 Market Scope & Segmentation |
2.4 Research Methodology |
2.5 Assumptions |
3 India Leather Market Overview |
3.1 India Country Macro Economic Indicators |
3.2 India Leather Market Revenues & Volume, 2020 & 2030F |
3.3 India Leather Market - Industry Life Cycle |
3.4 India Leather Market - Porter's Five Forces |
3.5 India Leather Market Revenues & Volume Share, By Type, 2020 & 2030F |
3.6 India Leather Market Revenues & Volume Share, By Distribution Channel, 2020 & 2030F |
4 India Leather Market Dynamics |
4.1 Impact Analysis |
4.2 Market Drivers |
4.3 Market Restraints |
5 India Leather Market Trends |
6 India Leather Market, By Types |
6.1 India Leather Market, By Type |
6.1.1 Overview and Analysis |
6.1.2 India Leather Market Revenues & Volume, By Type, 2020-2030F |
6.1.3 India Leather Market Revenues & Volume, By Luggage, 2020-2030F |
6.1.4 India Leather Market Revenues & Volume, By Footwear, 2020-2030F |
6.1.5 India Leather Market Revenues & Volume, By Accessories, 2020-2030F |
6.2 India Leather Market, By Distribution Channel |
6.2.1 Overview and Analysis |
6.2.2 India Leather Market Revenues & Volume, By Online, 2020-2030F |
6.2.3 India Leather Market Revenues & Volume, By Offline, 2020-2030F |
7 India Leather Market Import-Export Trade Statistics |
7.1 India Leather Market Export to Major Countries |
7.2 India Leather Market Imports from Major Countries |
8 India Leather Market Key Performance Indicators |
9 India Leather Market - Opportunity Assessment |
9.1 India Leather Market Opportunity Assessment, By Type, 2020 & 2030F |
9.2 India Leather Market Opportunity Assessment, By Distribution Channel, 2020 & 2030F |
10 India Leather Market - Competitive Landscape |
10.1 India Leather Market Revenue Share, By Companies, 2023 |
10.2 India Leather Market Competitive Benchmarking, By Operating and Technical Parameters |
11 Company Profiles |
12 Recommendations |
13 Disclaimer |