Product Code: ETC016427 | Publication Date: Jul 2023 | Updated Date: May 2024 | Product Type: Report | |
Publisher: 6Wresearch | No. of Pages: 70 | No. of Figures: 35 | No. of Tables: 5 | |
Singapore Gemstones market currently, in 2023, has witnessed an HHI of 2722, Which has increased slightly as compared to the HHI of 1931 in 2017. The market is moving towards concentrated. Herfindahl index measures the competitiveness of exporting countries. The range lies from 0 to 10000, where a lower index number represents a larger number of players or exporting countries in the market while a large index number means fewer numbers of players or countries exporting in the market.
The Singapore Gemstones market is forecasted to grow at a CAGR of +14 % during the forecast period 2020-2026. The market has been mainly driven by increasing demand for gemstone jewellery and artifacts in the region. Furthermore, increased tourism activities have also contributed significantly to the growth of this market.
The primary drivers behind Singapore booming gemstones market include its strategic location at the heart of Southeast Asia as well as its robust infrastructure network. Additionally, its highly developed financial system allows investors to easily purchase high-value precious stones without having to worry about security or reliability concerns when making such investments. Furthermore, several factors have contributed towards bringing more awareness among Singapores about the various benefits associated with investing in precious stones like increased wealth protection against inflation and currency devaluation as well as providing attractive returns on investment (ROI). Lastly, technological advancements are allowing companies operating in this sector to offer customers improved convenience through online platforms focused on selling certified gems at competitive prices thus contributing significantly towards furthering their growth prospects.
Despite these advantages however there still remain some key challenges faced by players within Singapore gemstones industry including lack of transparency regarding certification processes making it difficult for customers new to this sector identify reliable vendors who can provide them with quality products; additionally counterfeiting remains a problem which requires stringent regulation enforcement mechanisms if counterfeiters are expected be deterred effectively; finally relatively higher costs compared diamond counterpart serves as another obstacle preventing wider consumer adoption particularly amongst those looking purely for investment purposes rather than aesthetic values provided by these unique stones.
Fourtek International Pte. Ltd., Trinh Gems Pte Ltd , Everjewels Gemstone Company , Jyotis World Jewellery & Gems , Sparkle Singapore Gemstones Co.
Due Covid 19 pandemic many businesses across all sectors were forced into closure with lot uncertainty surrounding how long situation will persist coupled shutdown restrictions imposed governments around world resulted disruption normal trading activities thus adversely affecting operations related industries such gems jewellery resulting decline revenues profits majority stakeholders involved.However amid pandemic certain segments have shown resilience managing sustain operations albeit limited fashion mainly thanks rise digitalization technology which allowed maintain connect between sellers buyers mitigate effects lockdown regulations although not fully offset losses incurred during period.
1 Executive Summary |
2 Introduction |
2.1 Key Highlights of the Report |
2.2 Report Description |
2.3 Market Scope & Segmentation |
2.4 Research Methodology |
2.5 Assumptions |
3 Singapore Gemstones Market Overview |
3.1 Singapore Country Macro Economic Indicators |
3.2 Singapore Gemstones Market Revenues & Volume, 2020 & 2030F |
3.3 Singapore Gemstones Market - Industry Life Cycle |
3.4 Singapore Gemstones Market - Porter's Five Forces |
3.5 Singapore Gemstones Market Revenues & Volume Share, By Type, 2020 & 2030F |
3.6 Singapore Gemstones Market Revenues & Volume Share, By Applications, 2020 & 2030F |
3.7 Singapore Gemstones Market Revenues & Volume Share, By Distribution Channel, 2020 & 2030F |
4 Singapore Gemstones Market Dynamics |
4.1 Impact Analysis |
4.2 Market Drivers |
4.3 Market Restraints |
5 Singapore Gemstones Market Trends |
6 Singapore Gemstones Market, By Types |
6.1 Singapore Gemstones Market, By Type |
6.1.1 Overview and Analysis |
6.1.2 Singapore Gemstones Market Revenues & Volume, By Type, 2020-2030F |
6.1.3 Singapore Gemstones Market Revenues & Volume, By Precious stone, 2020-2030F |
6.1.4 Singapore Gemstones Market Revenues & Volume, By Semi- precious stone, 2020-2030F |
6.1.5 Singapore Gemstones Market Revenues & Volume, By Others, 2020-2030F |
6.2 Singapore Gemstones Market, By Applications |
6.2.1 Overview and Analysis |
6.2.2 Singapore Gemstones Market Revenues & Volume, By Fashion, 2020-2030F |
6.2.3 Singapore Gemstones Market Revenues & Volume, By Astrology, 2020-2030F |
6.2.4 Singapore Gemstones Market Revenues & Volume, By Others, 2020-2030F |
6.3 Singapore Gemstones Market, By Distribution Channel |
6.3.1 Overview and Analysis |
6.3.2 Singapore Gemstones Market Revenues & Volume, By Offline Retail, 2020-2030F |
6.3.3 Singapore Gemstones Market Revenues & Volume, By Online Retail, 2020-2030F |
7 Singapore Gemstones Market Import-Export Trade Statistics |
7.1 Singapore Gemstones Market Export to Major Countries |
7.2 Singapore Gemstones Market Imports from Major Countries |
8 Singapore Gemstones Market Key Performance Indicators |
9 Singapore Gemstones Market - Opportunity Assessment |
9.1 Singapore Gemstones Market Opportunity Assessment, By Type, 2020 & 2030F |
9.2 Singapore Gemstones Market Opportunity Assessment, By Applications, 2020 & 2030F |
9.3 Singapore Gemstones Market Opportunity Assessment, By Distribution Channel, 2020 & 2030F |
10 Singapore Gemstones Market - Competitive Landscape |
10.1 Singapore Gemstones Market Revenue Share, By Companies, 2023 |
10.2 Singapore Gemstones Market Competitive Benchmarking, By Operating and Technical Parameters |
11 Company Profiles |
12 Recommendations |
13 Disclaimer |